
First International Workshop on Blockchain Dependability

In conjunction with
14th European Dependable Computing Conference (EDCC)
10-14 September 2018 Iasi, Romania


The blockchain technology has rapidly gone from a fringe technique to hype, especially in the financial sector. However, independently of the success or failure of certain cryptocurrencies, the idea of a intrusion-resilient distributed database holds great potential also in many other sectors. Blockchains have been proposed as a mechanism to store and share information related to, among others, real estate transactions, supply chains, voting, healthcare, and insurance. While some security properties (e.g., double spending attacks in cryptocurrencies) have been extensively studied, more research is needed to study aspects such as the reliability of the software that controls the data structures, the availability of read and write operations under varying conditions as well as other security-related aspects such as post-quantum blockchain.

Scope and topics of interest:

The aim of this workshop is to provide a forum where the dependability aspects of blockchain can be discussed. We welcome technical papers containing theory, methods, techniques and evaluations as well as case studies describing blockchain deployments.

Areas of interest include but are not limited to the following topics:

  • Dependable blockchains
  • Formal verification of blockchain code
  • Blockchains for dependability
  • Blockchain consensus mechanisms
  • Post-quantum blockchain

Workshop program

Tuesday September 11, 2018

  • 08:30-08:40 - Welcome
  • 08:40-09:30 - Keynote: Blockchain e-voting, reality or delusion? - Adria Rodriguez-Pérez (Scytl Secure Electronic Voting)
  • 09:30-10:00 - Coffee break
  • 10:00-12:00 - Technical presentations
    • Performance Benchmarking of Smart Contracts to Assess Miner Incentives in Ethereum. (Amjad Aldweesh, Maher Alharby, Ellis Solaiman and Aad van Moorsel)
    • Simulation of Stochastic Blockchain Models. (Pierre-Yves Piriou and Jean-Francois Dumas)
    • Runtime Verification of Ethereum Smart Contracts. (Joshua Ellul and Gordon Pace)
    • How to Assess the Dependability of Applications on top of the Blockchain: Novel Research Challenges. (Marcello Cinque and Christian Esposito)
  • 12:00-14:00 - Lunch

Submission Formats

We invite papers in two different categories:

  • Full papers, containing new unpublished work with clear technical contributions. Page limit: 6 pages.
  • Short papers, describing work-in-progress or position papers of visionary nature. Page limit: 2 pages.

Submitted papers must follow the IEEE conference format (2 columns, 10 pt, single-line spacing, A4 paper) and should be submitted in PDF format.

LaTeX and MS Word templates may be found: here


Full papers will be published as a workshop appendix together with the main EDCC proceedings in IEEE Xplore.

Paper Submission

Paper submission is done using easychair.

Important dates

2018-06-08 2018-06-21 Submission deadline

2018-07-06 Notification of acceptance

2018-07-13 Camera ready deadline

2018-09-11 Workshop

Workshop Organizers

Mikael Asplund
Linköping University

Jonathan Jogenfors
Sectra AB

Simin Nadjm-Tehrani
Linköping University

Program Committee

Alex Biryukov
University of Luxembourg
Alysson Bessani
Universidade de Lisboa
Silvia Bonomi
Univ. Rome, La Sapienza
Christopher Carr
Paul Dunphy
VASCO Data Security
Joshua Ellul
University of Malta
Joshua Joy
Marc Lacoste
Orange Labs
Douglas Schmidt
Vanderbilt University